God has a name. It is Yahweh. As we saw when addressing truly biblical monotheism, while many could be called…
As modern people, when we read the Scriptures, it is easy to miss things that were more obvious to the…
I have alluded to two-powers theology several times, and addressed this issue in some detail in my previous series, but…
In this final installment specifically on the Deity of Christ, I will be looking at four kinds of evidence for…
Jesus is Creator Jesus does the other works of God Jesus is worshiped/honored like God Let’s look at a few…
One of the most enlightening things you can study is the diversity of ways in which the Scriptures attest to…
Now we come to the third major definitional truth of the Trinity, and it is this: The Scriptures teach that…
The diversity among non-Trinitarian groups regarding the Holy Spirit is staggering. Among Mormons, the Holy Ghost is a separate God…
Here in part 2, we are going to address a second clear truth taught in Scripture, that of the distinct…
As stated in the introduction post, this series will build the case for the Trinity by establishing each of its…