We come now to the end of Romans, but not the end of our examination of the Gospel according to…
Let’s recap: The Gospel is a story. That story is the story of Christ and what He accomplished, establishing His…
What is the Gospel? Sadly, this is a question many Christians get wrong due to lack of good, biblical teaching.…
Have you heard that, since believers in Christ are “grafted in” to Israel, all believers must observe the Law given…
And so we come to Romans 9…
The letter so far (Romans 1:1-7:13): The Gospel is characterized, once again, as the work of Christ, with no mention…
You know what question Torah observers won’t answer biblically? Why the Law? Why did God give the Law? Oh they…
We’ve seen in the first two chapters of Romans how Paul demonstrates the universal guilt before God that is common…
It’s good to be back. Planning on starting a series working through Romans with an eye to the Gospel and…
Did you catch last week? You may want to get caught up on the first part of Galatians. That will…