What is “Torahism” That’s what I’m going to be talking to my guest, R.L. Solberg, the author of a book…
Have you been taught the difference between moral, ceremonial, and civil laws in the Law of Moses? Have you been…
Is there a real distinction between different kinds of commands in the Law of Moses? Does Scripture make distinctions within…
Just what, exactly, is the Christian relationship to the Law of Moses? Do a search for that subject, and you’re…
We’re going over the rest of Zach Bauer’s reactions to Todd Friel of Wretched Radio. I’ll be responding to all…
Hello. It’s good to be back! Let’s see, did anything interesting happen in the Hebrew Roots world since I’ve been…
For those of you wondering why there wasn’t a show this week, My wife’s father passed away on Saturday, and…
What really is the Biblical, Christian position regarding the Law? And not just generally. Specifically, which laws are Christians supposed…
Who’s your best friend if you want to deny the inspiration of Paul? Why, unbelieving scholars, of course. In a…
Last week we began to examine Justin Best of Christian Truthers and his rejection of Paul. We showed it depends…